
Core to our mission Making Sense of Life Together, Sharing the Love of Jesus is our desire to reach out to the community of Sutton Coldfield and beyond.

Through our community work at Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church we seek offer support at every stage of life, acknowledging life has good and challenging times. If you’re looking for a place to meet new people, practical support or courses for a variety of life stages then take a look at our different community works below.

Food Bank

At Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church we’ve been running a food bank since 2011. Our food bank seeks share the love of Jesus by providing practical support for those in crisis in the local area.

Second Thoughts

Located at the heart of Falcon Lodge, the Second Thoughts shop seeks to promote community and provide support to the local residents. Services include complimentary tea and coffee, low cost quality second hand goods, and signposting to other support services. Located at 23 Churchill Parade, B75 7LD, phone 0121 311 2892

Open Door Coffee Morning

Join us every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00am to 12:00pm in the church hall and find a warm welcome with tea, coffee and friendly conversation.

Ladies' Fellowship

β€œAll Different and Special but United in Love”
Ladies Fellowship meet every Thursday during term time in the church. It is a friendly group, enjoying sharing laughter and a love for the Lord. A varied programme of talks, music and activities based around a yearly theme finishing with refreshments.

Photography Club

Photography Club takes place on Monday evenings, generally fortnightly in school term times. It is for anyone with an interest in improving their photography or photographs, whether you use a phone camera or DSLR or anything in between!

Wonderfully Made Connect

Wonderfully Made Connect is an opportunity for adults with learning disabilities to make new friends, be creative, and have fun. The group meets from 1:30pm to 3pm every Monday during term time.

Seniors Lunch Club

Lunch Club is an opportunity for older people to meet together, enjoy a good cooked meal, socialise and have fun! Every Tuesday from 12:00pm to 2:30pm. Places are limited so please contact us to book.

Sutton Pastors

In conjunction with other local churches, Sutton Pastors are a small team out in the town centre on Saturday nights looking out for people in need, befriending and caring for the local community. Interested in getting involved? Contact us for more information.

Divorce Recovery Workshop

Divorce Recovery Workshop deals specifically with helping individuals come to terms with a marriage or relationship that has irretrievably broken down. Each of the six sessions uses video material which provides a constructive focus, and small group sessions that offer a safe and secure environment in which to discuss and understand personal feelings.

Cancer Support & Prayer

Our small, friendly, informal group is for anyone affected by cancer either personally, as a carer or professionally. We offer prayer, support, encouragement, experience, and coffee on the first Wednesday of each month.

English Conversation Practice

English Conversation Practice is an opportunity for those who are seeking to improve and practice their spoken English. This friendly group meet on a Thursday at 10:30am and includes refreshments.

Marriage Enrichment

Marriage Enrichment seeks to support any couple in a committed relationship whether they’re seeking to strengthen a good relationship or are struggling in some areas. Courses run throughout the year so please contact us for information on our next course.

Marriage Preparation

We love to encourage and support those preparing for marriage and all the challenges that brings! Throughout the year we run The Marriage By Design Course, a fun and informal course to equip couples for married life together.


Raising children can be filled with ups and downs. We have a range of resouces available for parents to support every stage of parenting.